Tuesday 14 March 2017

Brief 07 | World Record Day - Pattern Development

our original concept wasn't working as well as we were hoping. we first thought to design the posters to the aesthetic of music venues in leeds, however this became hard to find the right starting point. Our second idea of using sound waves to a classic song matched to each genre this seemed strong, however the waves were too similar and the designs weren't as individual so the idea became lost.

our final concept was to take jumbo's logo and begin to make patterns to print, this was then relevant to the record store, however we had to tie this in with the original idea of genres.
From research boards which we both did it became clear that genres have characteristics and there were selected colours that belonged to the genres. Therefore using this idea to create fun and unique posters to jumbo records for record store day.

When speaking to jumbo they said that there are live bands playing in the store on record store day and therefore this would be good to incorporate this into the poster design as it could attract a large audience.


1 x A2 design poster screen print (2 final copies)
2 x A3 design poster screen print (40 final copies)
10 tote bags with 1 screen printed design on
social media banner for Facebook with band names on
Instagram post
mock up flyers

monday 27th - coat and expose screens   / social media banner done
Tuesday 28th - print all day
wednesday 29th - day off
thursday 30th - photograph all the final resolutions
friday 31st - distribute to Jumbo records

poser 01 development (pattern) -

these are the original letters of the Jumbo logo, they were traced around in illustrator and the colours were changed accordingly to the design -

poser 02 development (band information) - 

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