Idea one consisted of a range of elements for the gin campaign. The union jack flag would be used and this is obviously very significant to Britain and a part of British history.
The flag would be made up of fruits used across the Greenall's cocktail mixes. A stop motion video would be created of the fruits coming together to create the flag. Once the fruit has been placed to create the flag the photo of the final piece would be taken and used across a series of posters.
Idea 2 is also a stop motion video, the stop motion video would consist of the cocktails been made with the ingredients that they include. To make this idea British classic happy pop songs would be played in the background, bright colours and back drops would be used to go with the flavour of the cocktail and would make it fun! To extend this idea a series of posters could be designed to sit alongside the videos.
This idea is based on a stop animation of a young couple having a typical British picnic in the great Yorkshire country side. The animation would consist if basic sketches of the couple enjoying their picnic with a bottle of Greenall's gin.
Idea 4 is based on the research found, this is that a fry up is one of the most recognisable parts of the British culture, therefore a 'cup of gin' with the breakfast and a tag line that reads - how do you like your gin in the morning? However thinking about this concept it maybe wouldn't be a good idea as its promoting alcohol with breakfast.
Lastly idea 5 was also based on the research found that as Brits were obsessed with the Royals and Celebs. Therefore dressing gin up as out icons. This sketch is based on the queen, the gin is wearing a crown with a royal throw and besides it are the queens corgies.
The idea which stands out to me most is idea 1 and 2. The use of stop motion brings the brief to life and works well with other elements including posters to sit alongside the campaign. Taking these 2 ideas through to the development to see which one works best as a whole.
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