The concept is a stop motion video of Greenall's signature cocktails which can be found on their website, the cocktails are something that they are proud of.
For the next part of the development I needed to take the images and edit them into photoshop. It would look best if the images had a colour filter on to match the selected ingredients for each of the cocktails. Therefore choosing, yellow, pink and green to match the flavours. This made the images look more fun as well as appealing to the gin.
Cocktails -
before -
after -
The yellow resembles the flavour of the lemons in the cocktails. The overall image looks fresh and clean and creates a more of a appeal.
In the brief it states - "We would like you to choose quintessential British moments that have lasted through time and are still relevant today"
From the research that was found it became clear that Britain is well known for the music, from rock to pop to indie, everyone around the world knows our musicians and a lot of the songs have lasted throughout decades. Therefore the aspect of music would fit into the British moments, and each video would contain a hit from years ago but one that everyone knows today. Wanting to choose a happy feel good song that puts you in a happy mood, this element would remind audiences of Greenall's gin videos and create positive thoughts.
before -
after -
The use of the green resembles both the mint and lime thats in the ingredients of this cocktail. It gives a cool and fresh impression of the cocktail.
before -
after -
The pink resembles 2 ingredients used in this cocktail, which is wild berries and raspberries. The pink looks cool and feminine which suits the audience as most cocktail drinkers are female.
Once all the images had been edited in photoshop and the colours were changed accordingly to suit the ingredients, the stop motion then had to be put together. Because the files were to large to be made in photoshop on the timeline tool, they had to be imported into premier pro which is a much better and professional programme to create videos.
Premier pro was a good programme to allow me to create the videos, with help from IT the videos were put together quickly and smoothly and was able to add effects such as colour, fading and music. However it became difficult finding a pace for each frame to appear on the screen, the best outcome was 5 frames per second. This enabled the video to run smoothly without it skipping or pausing.
How to make it British?
From the research that was found it became clear that Britain is well known for the music, from rock to pop to indie, everyone around the world knows our musicians and a lot of the songs have lasted throughout decades. Therefore the aspect of music would fit into the British moments, and each video would contain a hit from years ago but one that everyone knows today. Wanting to choose a happy feel good song that puts you in a happy mood, this element would remind audiences of Greenall's gin videos and create positive thoughts.
When discussing with friends we came up with 3 pop songs that have lasted through decades and also have a happy feel good factor -
- WHAM - Wake me up before you go go
- Toploader - Dancing in the Moonlight
- Boo Radleys - Wake up its a beautiful morning
Each of these songs will be instrumental versions and cast over the videos of the cocktail making.
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