Wednesday 26 April 2017

Brief 10 | Research Brief - Distribution & Questionnaire 02

News story 02 -

Trump drops mother of all bombs on Afghanistan. The bomb was non nuclear and had never been used before. The area where the bomb was dropped is mostly mountainous and sparsely populated, BBC correspondents say. Local sources said the explosion was so powerful it was heard in two neighbouring districts.

The aim for poster 02 was to inform the younger audience what Trump has been up to most recently; This was that he dropped one of the biggest non nuclear bombs on Afghanistan and finished it with the words 'another job well done.' The aim of this poster was to portray how careless trump is and also show the audience what he's capable of. Therefore the illustration of trump shows him in a childish manner, the image in the background is the real of image of the bomb which was dropped in April. The yellow text is used to stand out in the foreground of the image and coordinate with other colours used within the poster. 

To test this poster to see if it educates easily I asked 5 18 -24 year olds what they think the poster is aiming to achieve -

Results -

What do you think the poster is aiming to do? Is it effective?

"It almost makes a mockery of him because of the illustration, and shows the raw power of what he has done and what he is capable of. Shows he's having a good time destroying things and doesn't really care."

"Its funny, makes him look silly. It tells me that he's done another stupid thing without even thinking twice"

"Its a poster that would make me look twice, not the typical kind of news poster you would see in the street and thats what I like about it because it stands out."

"Shows just how destructive trump can be so in that way its powerful. But uses image to make it more fun and slightly light hearted. Think this is something that needs to be done to engage more young people on the news around the world."

"I think its trying to tell us what trump has done, the images make it easier and clearer to understand also more enticing than just a normal news article. It makes me want to know more about it."

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