Wednesday 26 April 2017

Brief 11 | Oh' Aura - Ideas

Packaging /

Experimenting with a range of shapes to understand the possible of outcomes would work best;
Triangle, circle, square, rectangle, oval etc
From the research informed it was decided that a rectangular shape would suit the packaging best and there was a few reasons for this:
- Balance
- more surface area for pattern
- accessable
- easy
- simple

Patterns & Colours -

very quickly sketching shapes and testing with colours lead to the idea of repeating a pattern that reflected oh auras earrings such as sun shapes and moon etc.
The colours that worked well together were pastel backgrounds with bold colour used on the shapes.
This idea made oh aura more recognisable as a whole and kept the fun brand image alive. 

When gaining feedback regarding this idea it was said 

"i like it, it represents oh' aura instantly and the bold colours will make it stand out from the crowd. it will look unique and fun!'

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