Wednesday 26 April 2017

Brief 11 | Oh' Aura - Brief

Brief -

Oh’Aura is an online page selling earrings. However the brand is now going to be a concession within a department store. Oh’Aura have asked you to design some earring packaging. The earrings come in all different styles, visit their Instagram page to get an idea of what they sell. The design must be relevant to the company and stand out against the competitors.

Background / Considerations -

The earnings will be hung from a fixture so consider the layout of the packaging. Also the design must reflect the company and the earrings, think about the print techniques to get bold and colourful pallets. Also the size of the hearing packaging it needs to fit on a stand with other earrings so think how you can fit the design on and earring holes. The name must be features on the packaging alongside there online shop for promotion.

Mandatory Requirements -

Your work should be documented through regular labelled posts to your Design Practice Blog.

In addition to the submission requirements for the briefs you will need to evidence research development and production of your resolutions.

Your response to the brief should be supported by a rationale and evaluation of your work in relation to the initial brief.

Deliverables - 

Resolutions & Products appropriate to your selected brief. A maximum of 8 design boards, articulating the selected research, development, resolution and contextualisation of your work.

Posts to your Design Practice blog demonstrating your ability to effectively record, document and critically evaluate the progress of your work in relation to your own intentions and appropriate areas of contemporary creative practice.


26th April - Brief & Plan
27th - 29th April - Research
May 1st - Ideas
May 2nd - Ideas / Development 
May 3rd - Development
May 8th - Printing
May 11th - Finishing off
May 12th - Photos
May 13th - FINISHED

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