Friday 21 October 2016

Brief 01 | Hola Paella | Group Feedback Session

on the 3rd of November we had a group crit of around 12 of us and each showed a piece of design that we have been working on. Hola Paella is the only brief which I have been concentrating on and therefore presented that to group.

I showed the final designs for the food and drinks menu and were passed around the group, I received a lot of positive feedback from people. However I discussed with them how I am not keen on the foiling as its not stuck very well but they were all adamant that it looks fine.
We were asked to fill a feedback form in when people had finishing analysing our work.

Likes - 

- The stock is thick and works well as a menu
- The pattern is nice, represents tapas theme
- The colours are subtle but works well
- The foiling shows a better quality
- The type choices work well 
- Nice that they are matching, consistency runs through

Dislikes - 

- The pattern isn't even on the grid
- Do the type choices work together?

To Do : 

- Design Boards!
- Finish the brief - do coasters and napkins
- Professionally Photograph 

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