Invitations -
01 is a invite which is A6, the invitation slides out from the envelope. The envelope would be embossed then screen printed with the words 'your invited'. The invitation is single sided and would have pattern on which runs throughout all the other branding, and the perforated line which has the 20% voucher is attached at the bottom.
02 A A5 folded card, the front of the card would be full of pattern and prints with a foiled lettering of 'your invited' and the inside would read the information with the voucher attached onto the staples and can easily be work off.
03 Is very similar to 01, but the invitation is double sided, one side full of pattern and print and the other would show the information. The envelope would also be the same but 'your invited' would be laser cut instead of screen printed, and because the lettering has been laser cut the pattern would show through.
04 Would be a simple double sided A5 design, without a envelope and digitally printed, would act as a flyer which could be given out to passers by on the street.
05 Is the same as 04 but instead it comes with a envelope. Which has been screen printed and the pattern used on the invitation runs through into the envelope.
The brief stated that the invite must include a perforated line which can be torn off and then used. Therefore the most successful ideas in showing this are 1, 3 and 4. The
preferred invite from the choice is number 3, this is because the invite is protected in a outer envelope and the envelope has been
laser cut showing the pattern which is across all outcomes, this keeps it persistent but also adds a personal touch.
Feedback - People really like the idea of the third design also, and the pattern showing through the word cuts as it gives a more of a high quality design, and makes it slightly more intriguing as to what the invites for and therefore entices people.
Material Choices - Id like to keep all the materials the same, giving it consistency throughout the designs. Using a
white card for the main stock, so the pattern used doesn't get lost and stands out against the stock. The stock must be durable to avoid getting bent when taken out of the envelope or kept in a pocket etc, therefore a
220gsm - 280gsm would be most suited.
Final Layout
Drink & Food Menu's -
01 The first thumbnail is a A5 double sided card. The front has a pattern which continuously carries on to the back of the card. The front reads 'menu' which will then be foiled to show a high quality. The food is split into sections making it a easier read for the customer.
02 A A5 folded booklet. Similar to number 01 but the booklet gives more space for the menu and therefore looks clean and legible.
03 Thumbnail is not on paper or card but instead on a chopping board to represent the raw natural ingredients used throughout hola paellas menu. The chopping board would have to be laser cut and the information scratched onto the wood.
04 Is similar to 02 but instead of the information printed inside the booklet, there is a insert which is stapled and attached within. This creates a more thoughtful design, and keeps the main information away from any dirt.
05 Is a long rectangular menu, just experimenting away from the A5 card. The Spanish themed pattern would be on the front running onto the back and then the food well displayed down the centre of the menu.
Number 01 is my preferred choice as its the one which would be low cost to print, in the research I found that the customers who visit hola paella just want good food at a good price, therefore won't be looking for a high end menu that has been expensive to make. Within the brief it did state a good quality and include print methods - this menu would be best digitally printed and then the titles foiled in silver to include a element of quality.
Feedback - When asking class mates for there preferred choice of menu style, they did like the wooden chopping board one, as its different and would be suited to reflect hola paella, however this would cost too much money to produce and I would be worrying as to whether the lettering on the board would show through. However they do like 01 and agree that the foiling would give it a better quality and produce a more sophisticated output as well as the menu been legible and decorative.
Material Choices - When generating ideas for this menu, its important to consider that food and drink may often be spilled on the menus, and therefore more will be needed to be re printed to replace them. Therefore its important to keep the cost of the paper low which will make them cheaper to replace. A 120gsm would be the best thickness to ensure stability and also would be more cost effective.
Final Layout
Recently visiting Belgrave in Leeds centre I came across a clip board which had the menu attached, it looked trendy and also offered more support for the menu instead of it lying on the table or falling onto the floor. Brixton market is becoming a very trendy and hip place at the moment and feel as if something as little as a clipboard could help reflect the vibe as well as keeping the menu pristine and grubby fingers off it.
Napkins -
01 Simple white rectangular folded napkin, with bold colour screen printed onto it.
02 Red triangular folded napkin and yellow screen printed text to represent the Spanish flag.
03 Also a plain white folded rectangular napkin but with 2 sets of different font.
Napkins aren't a of main importance compared to the other outputs but its important that their consistent with the other designs for the opening night.
I think the rectangle fold are the best suited, with the name of the restaurant and the opening night date, its best to keep this simple in order to finish the brief in time. The best way to transfer this information onto the napkin is through screen print, so will therefore have to get a screen washed and exposed in time.